United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) 25th Hour



When employees hear the facts about the Food & Commercial Workers union, they're not likely to continue to believe the hype! This video features data from the UFCW's own current LM2, as well as their constitution. Add in current news stories and information on where the UFCW's members come from, and employees quickly see that this union needs them far more than they need the UFCW. With this up-to-date strike information and these hard-hitting UFCW financials, your employees will understand that an informed decision means choosing to remain union-free.

One Year of Instant Online Access 
Just $1,495

Add a DVD for just $25 each!

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Include Your UFCW-Specific Website!

There's no more powerful & cost-effective solution: to reach employees and the influencers at home. This highly interactive website includes calculators that demonstrate the cost of dues, and the cost of a strike. Plus, video elements and hard fact make your site a trusted source for the truth! 

 (NOTE: our web team will contact you shortly after purchase to set up your URL for your employees.)

UFCW website
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[memb_actionset_button button_url=https://www.unionproof.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/savetofavs_small.png tag_ids=2390 redirect_url=https://www.unionproof.com/my-favorites]

Need a full campaign strategy? Get our comprehensive Ultimate Defense Kit for $3,500 (a $5,075 value). The kit includes 5 shows. Organizing, Bargaining, Job Security, Strikes and the UFCW 25th Hour video.

Version 19 (both)