What’s so special about UnionProof?

We could tell you that upwards of 95% of Projections' UnionProof clients have remained union-free, but remaining union-free isn’t a one-time event, confined to checking "NO" on a ballot. It’s our philosophy that creating a UnionProof culture begins with new hire orientation on day one and continues throughout the employee journey. We’d love to talk with you about your communication strategy.

Check out our other FAQ's to quickly answer our most commonly asked questions:

How do I purchase and instantly stream videos from UnionProof?

How long does it take for my purchased video(s) to be available to me?

I can’t login to

I need to communicate in Spanish – do you offer your resources in other languages?

How do I change my UnionProof password? (Also “I’ve changed jobs, how do I update my info?”)

Why do I have to register to view UnionProof previews?

How can I update my credit card or add a new one?

How can I see my active subscriptions for products like A Better Leader, LaborWise Leadership, The Respectful Workplace, etc.?

Where can I see my invoices,  pay online, or print a receipt?

I need to show my purchased videos in multiple locations – how can I provide access to my team members so they can stream video for employees?

We’ve got union organizing activity – how can you help?

What do other companies do to communicate with associates during a union campaign?

What’s the least expensive way for me to launch a campaign website?

I need to communicate with my unique audience on very specific issues, and these ready-made resources aren’t going to do the trick – can you help?

How much does custom video production cost?

How can I get a specific quote for a custom employee communication project?

What ever happened to the “Proud To Be UnionFree Series,” “Supervisors Can Keep You Union-Free,” “Rules of the Election Campaign,” “Sexual Harassment,” and “Behind the Promises”?