National Nurses United (NNU) 25th Hour

Featuring LM2 and other statistical information.This powerful video will expose the truth behind this union. From membership to bargaining, elements of the constitution, even strikes and finances, employees are given enough information to keep them from believing every word the organizer tells them.

One Year of Instant Online Access 
Just $1,495

Add a DVD for just $25 each!

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Union-Specific 25th Hour Videos are updated annually when their LM-2s are released in the Spring or Fall. If you are looking for an alternate version use the green Chat button below or please let us know.

Need a full campaign strategy? Get our comprehensive Ultimate Defense Kit for $3,500 (a $5,075 value). The kit includes 5 shows. Organizing, Bargaining, Job Security, Strikes and the NNU 25th Hour video.

Preview "National Nurses United 25th Hour" in Spanish

Add a Union-Specific Website in English and/or Spanish

Want to combine this video with the ability to reach that all-important secondary audience at home? A NNU Essentials website is a powerful & cost-effective solution for only $1,000. (Stand-alone value: $2,495). Click the image below to see an example of a companion website via this example for the California Nurses Association.

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Version 17 (both)